
CSS Verification Testing

Make sure your styles don't change when your files do.

When working on a large project, you sometimes need to refactor your CSS. If you aren't constantly aware of all the different dependencies, you can end up altering the styles somewhere unexpected. This framework is designed to help you create key test cases linked to your styles. If the tests pass after refactoring, you can be sure your design is intact.


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This works by generating a simple HTML skeleton unit which matches the minimal page structure around the element whose styles you want to test. This unit contains references to your project's CSS. You can then refactor your CSS as much as you like and as long as the styles amount to the same visual appearance, the test will continue to pass. In essence, we are moving the point of testing away from the CSS itself and looking at the effect of the cascade on the defined styles. You can find out more about the theory if you want.


The easiest way to create test cases is to use the bookmarklet. To generate a test unit, load a page whose styles you want to maintain then run the bookmarklet. If you click on an element, the test case will be generated in the floating panel. You can then either copy and paste this into the test section of the standard test page or drag the icon from the bottom of the panel to your desktop where it will create a complete HTML test page.


Generate CSS Tests


There is also a command-line version of the tool which is built on PhantomJS for use in an automated build pipeline. Check the readme provided in the project for more information.


Most of the limitations you'll run into are caused by using the automatically generated tests. They're good for creating a starting point but at the moment, they need to be tweaked for many cases.

Sibling selectors

Because the test generates the DOM via following parents up the structure, sibling elements are ignored. These styles are still testable, though. Simply add the sibling element into your HTML test block.

Styles modified by JS

The styles are measured on the element as it is when the case is generated. The test compares this against the styles provided by the CSS. If the element contains JS-only styles not added by CSS, they will not be correctly matched. Modify your test case to allow for this.

Red-Green Testing

This isn't any good for Test-Driven Development. Due to CSS and HTML both being declarative, by the time you've written your test case, you'd really have been better off writing the actual HTML. Especially as you could then have used the bookmarklet to generate the test case.

They may be a point in the future where the visual designer on a project could specify the test case beforehand but until then, this is best used to help with refactoring.

Changing the DOM

This is a cause for much questioning – if we are taking a snapshot of the DOM, we can only use these tests while the project's DOM remains the same. Essentially, you can't reorganise your HTML without causing the test to become invalid. That is true, to an extent. The correct thing to do in this circumstance is to regenerate the DOM snapshot. Remember, we're not testing the DOM, we're testing the cascade. If you were to restructure a JS module, you might need to create new mocked objects to ensure your tests continued to pass and this is the same deal. All you really need to do is to update the HTML snapshot in the test file while keeping the original style assertion block (the last section of the test file). The testing strategy is still valid. You can even generate this HTML using the 'Generate Tests' bookmarklet as long as you move it to the existing test file.